Saturday, January 10, 2009


I wanted to follow up my last blog with an additional thought. The United States killing of innocent men, women and children because some relegious radicals decided to attack the U.S. is criminal. Assume for a moment the shoe was on the other foot, i.e. we had a dozen or so radicals who decided to attack China or Russia and that country retaliated by sending bombs and rockets into our cities killing innocent citizens. Can this be the thinking of rational people or is it the thinking of power hungry people who think because of who they are and the positions they hold they can do no wrong.

Can we ever heal the wounds of all of the innocent people who have been forever scarred by this horrific decision? Shouldn't the men and women who made these decisions be help accountable?

When we combine these horrific acts with the thousands of military men and women who were killed and wounded carrying out these acts so Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Donald Rumsfield, Condi Rice and their many minions could expand their power it should make us all so angry that we vow to never allow it to happen again. How do we prevent it? We hold all of those in Congress accountable who stood by with their fingers in their ears and claimed they were duped by the intelligence, yet they did not ask the hard questions, in fact, some asked no questions. They took the easy route hidding behind the skirt of Condi Rice and the inept intelligence community. Would you or I be allowed to walk away unscathed if we had acted with such malfeasence?

We should hope Obama will keep his word to allow those he has assembled around him to ask the hard questions; he will use diplomacy and work to repair our relationship with other countries, and govern from the strength of diplomacy and leadership rather than the position of strength.

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