Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Military spending gone wild!

I'm concerned we are on the same path the USSR followed when they got bogged down in Afghanastan. The U.S. military budget for 2009 is $623 Billion and rest of the world combined military budget is $500 Billion. China spends $60Billion and Russia $50Billion. Is it necessary to spend ten times the amount of our nearest rivals on a military budget when we are bleeding red at home due to our spending binge.

Is it necessary for us to have a world wide presence of our military? Can't we have a well trained and effecient military with many less personnel if we can get out of these awful wars and direct our attention to better and more effective intelligence and cooperation with the other nations of the world. If some groups want to continue to direct their destructive efforts toward us we can surely have an elite strike force to take care of them without placing thousands of troups in harm's way.

I'm a great believer is quality over quantity.

Imagine what we could do with 50% of the money being spent on military.

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