Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christians and war

Brian McLaren, a christian author, stated in his book, "Everything Must Change": "Churchgoers in the United States often seem to be the first to support and the last to abandon wars of questionable morality."

Why is that? Shouldn't people of faith be the first to caution and resist war? Why do we hear almost no outcry from churches; actually the Christian leaders supported the war publicly.
Were they afraid they would be labeled as not being patriotic?

It seems to me we could create a world of peace if we spent the time and money for peace that we do for war. Our military budget dwarfs that of all other countries, including China and Russia. Imagine the poverty and disease we could eliminate if we directed significant amounts of monies to fight those battles instead of war. The cost of the war in Iraq could have made a significant impact on disease and poverty throughout the world.

Dwight Eisenhower said: "It happens that defense is a field in which I have had varied experience over a lifetime, and if I have learned anything, it is that there is no way in which a country can satisfy the craving for absolute security---but it can easily bankrupt itself, morally and economically, in attempting to reach that illusory goal through arms alone."

It is my fervent prayer that President Elect Obama understands this and will use a scaphel to the military budget and the citizens of this country let it be known that war and ramping up for war is a waste of great resources; plus we cannot afford the costs any longer.

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