Monday, January 26, 2009

Each day is a gift.

My son, Bo, reminded people who crossed his path during the last two years of his life "each day is a gift". He was faced with a certain deteriation of his body and death as he struggled with the terrible disease of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). ALS affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord resulting in degeneration of the muscles throughout the body. Facing certain death hightened Bo's appreciation of each day, no matter much he was deprived of the use of his body. In other words be thankful for every day and all of the things in your life that are good.

Thru the Busby Foundation formed to help families facing this terrrible disease I have met and gotten to know three men over the past couple of weeks who have reached the stage where they cannot use their legs and are dealing with breathing problems. They can't use their bathrooms in their home because they are not handicap equipped. They need help in building a handicap accessible bathroom. We want to help them.

I'm reminded that I don't have to deal with these limitations, but can take a shower without difficulty. I can use the bathroom. Yet these men cannot and the quality of their lives are affected beyond dealing with the disease.

So my problems pale in comparison with the issues these men are facing. I'm reminded, as my son reminded me and others, each day is a gift. I'm privileged we can help these men in the name of my son thru our foundation created by friends, family and business associates.

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