Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Bush View

It amazes me how one can look at their history with such rose colored glasses. The one positive claim made is there have been no attacks on American soil since 9/11. Duh! Why should our adversaries need to attack us on our soil when we have sent our men and women to them for slaughter?

When you combine attack of Iraq without the support of our historical allies under the guise there was compelling evidence of weapons of mass destruction, our gross atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and the cowboy attitude of our leaders we managed to create an entire generation of bitter enemies. Had we finished our work in Afghanistan and spent a fraction of the resources on rebuilding that country and providing them with a taste of freedom and democracy we would have retained our reputation and established a strong ally in the mid-West.

The prevailing view of the Bushes is to have victory in Iraq, yet they are vague about what that means. We had "victory" when the Saddam regime was toppled. Is victory to eliminate all violence? If so, that can only be accomplished thru diplomacy. We can look at Israel and the Palestinians to know that is true.

This conflict may be our ultimate undoing. We can reflect back to the result of Russia's ill-fated attack of Afghanistan and the quagmire they were caught in the was a major contributor to their demise.

Let's bring our European friends as well as the Middle East countries to the table, including Iran and Syria, and work out a plan and resolution. Every moment we waste and every drop of American blood shed is unacceptable.

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