Monday, January 5, 2009

It's a do over.

2009 starts off with a wimper. The bowl games, for the most part, were boring. I miss the big bowls being all day on New Year's Day. We have three bowls yet to be played and it is January 5. No one seems to be moving about. We seem to be on hold. We are awaiting our new president to be sworn in before any meaningful work can begin with our government.

I'm not motivated to charge ahead. Why? Is it the dreary weather, cedar fever, lack of focus, or a sense of dispair?

Last week I decided, after a friend told me I should investigate Tweeter, to delve into the Tweeter World and see what it is about. I was amazed and stimulated. Maybe Tweetering will be my push toward creativeness for the new year.

My work depends largely on two things: people and money. People seem to be very hesitant to step out into a large venture because of the uncertainity of the future. Money is not readily available due to the squeezing of the financial markets. So I must learn to be patient, but vigilant.

Oh, but patience is not easy and I don't do well when I have to practice it. I see a great opportunity for a New Year's resolution, i.e. be patient.

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