Saturday, February 7, 2009

Reconnecting with friends

This has been a great week for me. I have been able to connect with friends I haven't seen in a few years and learn about things going on in their lives and hearing about their quests.

My first visit was with a couple whose son grew up with my son and they were pals until my son's death. We were able to visit about their getting acclaimated to new surroundings since they have now moved to Austin. The challenge is finding things to do that they love that will keep them active. We agreed we would work on getting together more and find things to do together.

My second encounter was with and old friend I haven't seen in several years. Her son, Bryan Burroughs, is an author. He has a new book just out that will make the NY Times Best Seller List next week at number 11; the book is The Big Rich. His previous book has been made into a movie that is due out this summer entitled: Public Enemies. I went to Book People Bookstore last evening to hear him discuss the book and visit with he and his mother. I purchased the book, he signed it and we discussed how he might become involved with The Busby Foundation.

I'm excited about the prospects of continuing this renewed friendship.

I have determined there are no accidental meetings in our lives. People who come into our lives are there for a reason; they help form who we are and how we view our purpose in life. I'm determined to continue my quest to reconnect with those whose lives have crossed my path in my life and to thank them.

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