Monday, February 23, 2009

Are we there yet?

To have a recession during a presidential year is not unusual. To have a bank crisis isn't so unusual (remember the 1980's saving and loan crisis). It seems to always to evidence itself in the real estate market most dramatically. The real estate market is driven primarily by the ability to acquire loans and optimism; both of which are lacking at this time. How do we remedy those problems? We make money more available to the banks and we focus on the good news and not the bad. President Obama should give equal billing to good things that are happening in our economy and not just the things that are going wrong and need fixing.

When there are scientific breakthroughs we need to hear about it and celebrate it. When there are inovative ideas being implemented we need to know about it. We need to know about the personal successes of people who have overcome great odds and obstacles. We need to know about great companies and organizations who are doing great and wonderful things.

Let us hear about those who have given of their time, talents and money to help others in need.

I'm a great believer in the Law of Attraction. I believe if we truly believe we can do something and visualize it, write it out, make a dream board, and assure ourselves each day that it is happening then it will happen.

So can we get some positive news? Can we dream of a great country and world where we all are working to help each other? Can we affirm that this is a world of plenty and we have enough?

Let's concentrate on being thankful each day for what we have and not what we do not have. Let us greet each day with optimism and thankfulness; not fear and dispair. Make someone smile each day; reach out!

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