Friday, March 13, 2009

Does Twitter work for business?

I love new challenges. When I first heard about using Twitter from my friend Charlie Fern I was intrigued. I read everything I could get my hands on because for once I had a chance to be involved in a possible revolution rather than dragging up the rear. I then signed up and used the Christmas holidays to experiment and see if I could determine what all of the chatter was about.

I attended a Social Media Club breakfast and heard from a local company representative talking about how they use Twitter and other social media to promote their company and their products.

I saw a tweet from someone in Austin and checked out their bio and learned they were in a business that is closely aligned with my business. I sent a direct message and suggested we meet and talk, which we did. Later that contact referred me to someone he knew that might have a need for my services. I asked what I could do for him, after giving thanks for the referral. He asked if I knew someone who had experience with distressed loans. I did and made the connection and they are meeting next week to discuss. I met with the referral I received today and it may open some great areas of opportunities.

So it works. I have also made contact with others throughout the U.S. involved in ALS groups.

I'm still learning, but what I have seen so far makes me a believer.

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